
Yoga in Pregnancy
This blog post is about yoga in pregnancy. I’ll answer some common questions and give some tips for both beginners and seasoned yogis about how to adapt your practice to your changing bodies.
Oral Health Care in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot a of changes. As the weeks go by, you feel how this little person is growing inside of you. It is understandable to do whatever it takes to have a healthy pregnancy.
Trauma, Violence & Abuse
Midwives are primary care providers who are committed to supporting and helping their clients when a crisis arises that involves their client’s safety. “Over 1 in 10 women report experiencing spousal violence while pregnant.
Mental Health Resources
Midwives are primary care providers who are committed to supporting client’s mental health through the year of care. Ideally, the regular 30-45 minutes will give our clients and their midwives an opportunity to check in about on-going and newly developing mental health concerns.
Birth Choices
Our midwifery clients have the option of choosing to give birth at home, at Michael Garron Hospital or at the Toronto Birth Centre. Learning about each option can help you decide which birth location is right for you and your family.
Care for Clients
Midwives care for healthy low-risk clients from the time that they become pregnant until 6 weeks after their birth. Our appointments are usually 30 to 45 minutes long to give you time to get to know your midwives, to learn about your choices and ask questions.
When to Page your Midwife During Pregnancy
Please page us if you experience any of the following symptoms, or any time you have urgent concerns. When you page your midwife, please give your first and last name, your phone number, the date your baby is due and the reason for your page.